Monday, April 22, 2013

Crazy quiz

  1. Why did you take this quiz?

  2. Do you have lots of friends?

  3. What's the best thing about today?

  4. Are you crazy?

  5. Men and women can go crazy in different ways and for different reasons. What's your situation?


Sunday, April 7, 2013

So called friends

Comment or reply if this has ever happened to you...

Has anyone else out there had a friend, one that you grew up with.  One that you called your BEST friend.  A friend that you thought would always be there to hang out with, to get in trouble with.


A new kid comes around and turns into their best friend, and changes how they are, what they do, what they say.  And it's for the bad, everyone notices.  Including you, and they begin to exclude you. Ditch you, ignore you.  It blows like ol' faithful..... Ya its that bad.

Sad Chairs

Do you ever feel like your just waiting to be hit by anything and everything??

I do


remember those times at those awkward family gatherings.....

those times when people would get together and basically acted like they cared what profession you're in..

When they acted like they cared what your kids are going to do after highschool....

I dont know, maybe they do care....

the point is that after all the social awkwardness, then come the stories...

Remember when your dad did this...

Did I ever tell you the time when your Dad and Mom.....

Ya those were the days, those were our wild times

Inside your head you're thinking "ya? If you spent a weekend with me and my friends, we just about covered all of your wild times, in ONE weekend.


six word memoirs

I did a google search for six word memoirs and this is what I got...

Sperm to potent, now have triplets

Veni, vidi, but haven't vici yet.

nothing profound, I just sat around

Mistakenly kills kitten, fears anything delicate.

asked to quiet down, spoke louder.

wasn't noticed, so I painted trains.

Naively expected logical world, acted foolishly.

Facebook has ruined my entire life.

Sounded much better in my head.

so, um, what's up with you?

google knows me, therefore I am.

ask me again in a month.